Complaints & Feedback
Making complaints and providing feedback
How we view complaints
At Self Help Housing, we understand that we may not always get everything right. We view complaints as valuable opportunities to enhance our services. We welcome feedback from all our customers and stakeholders.
How to provide feedback or make a complaint
Online: Use the contact form on our website.
Telephone: Call us at 0117 9705400.
By Post: Write to us at Self Help Community Housing Association, 12 King Square Avenue, Bristol BS2 8HU.
What happens next
If a response is required, we aim to get back to you within 5 working days, or within 2 working days if it is a complaint.
Our complaints policy
You can find our Complaints Policy and Procedure here.
The Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman is an independent body that investigates complaints and resolves disputes between tenants and leaseholders of social landlords. Self Help Housing is voluntarily registered with The Housing Ombudsman. If we are unable to resolve your complaint through our policy and procedure, you can contact the Ombudsman at or call 0300 1113000.
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code
This code ensures fair and effective complaint handling, promotes a positive complaints culture, and embeds complaint learning. Learn more about the Complaint Handling Code.
Annual review and assessment of complaints
Each year, we conduct and publish a self-assessment of our complaint handling, as directed by the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code. Our annual self-assessment and a summary of all complaints handled in 2023-2024 were presented to the Board in June 2024. A new self-assessment was completed in December 2024, confirming our compliance with all requirements of the Complaint Handling Code. The Board noted that there were no complaints for 2023/2024.
The Chair of the Trustees, Shaun Fitzpatrick, leads the Board on complaints and discusses any issues with the CEO monthly. These are then reported to the Board quarterly, with a focus on learning and improvement.
To view our latest annual self assessment click here